Do you want to save money on your auto insurance by driving safely? Most companies are using car telematic programs to do so. Car telematic programs are wireless devices that communicate with each other. In the world of auto insurance, this means that insurers collect...

How to Plant a Vegetable Garden

If you want the freshest produce possible, consider planting your own home garden—after all, you can’t get any closer to your kitchen table than your own backyard. Growing your own vegetables is thrifty, too. According to the National Gardening Association, the...

Tips for Effectively Filing Claims

Experiencing a loss can be stressful, frustrating and disheartening, but having insurance coverage will help alleviate the financial burden a loss can cause. The first step in restoring your property and moving forward is to determine if your policy provides coverage...

How to Choose Car Insurance in 4 Steps

Because there are so many companies selling car insurance, sorting through all the choices to find the right policy for you and your family can be a challenging task. With each carrier claiming to offer the best value, it’s easy to feel confused. At first...

Boating Safety Tips

Every time you take your boat and/or personal watercraft out on the water is a new experience. No matter how many trips you have under your belt, it is best to freshen up on boat safety before each voyage. Be sure you and your passengers follow these safe boating tips...